Architectural Covenants

When the Roland Park Company planned and developed Guilford a Deed and Agreement was created to establish and maintain the quality and character of the community. The covenants were recorded and became a legal addition to each deed relating to property in Guilford. Since the covenants stay with the property, as property is purchased and resold, each new owner accepts the covenants as a stipulation of the transfer of property ownership. The Guilford Deed and Agreement is considered a model covenant and has been used as prototype for many communities throughout the country.

The covenant sets standards for the development of property and any exterior change or alteration. It has protected the aesthetic environment of our neighborhood and is key to the maintenance and improvement of our property values. The protection provided through the covenant is an important element in attracting residents to Guilford and assuring that it is an outstanding place to live.

The Guilford Association administers oversight, review and approval of exterior property alterations through the Board’s Architectural Committee. The Architectural Committee meets the first Saturday of each month and applications should be received 5 days in advance of the meeting date. Applications are to be sent to the Guilford Association Architectural Committee, 4200 Saint Paul St., Suite 100, Baltimore, MD 21218. Email submissions should be directed to

A written application to the Guilford Association Architectural Committee is required for all exterior alterations to existing structures, including changes in exterior paint colors and significant landscaping, and for any new structures. Review and approval in writing by the Architectural Committee is required prior to beginning work on any project. To expand on the general exterior standards in the Deed and Agreement and provide more specific guidance to the implementation of the covenants, the Association has developed Architectural Guidelines. The Guidelines provide the basis for approval or disapproval of applications. Both the Guidelines and the Application for Property Alteration are on the Guilford web page.

As an added resource, the original drawings and prints for Guilford homes are maintained in the Langsdale Library of the University of Baltimore. They are available for view and the library will arrange to have them copied. The property listings are at the following link: