Other Useful Links

The attached letter was sent to all General Assembly Delegates and Senators from District 41 and 43:

The Guilford Security Patrol (GSP):

Adjacent neighborhood web sites:

Neighboring Institutions and Points of Interest:

Other Sites:

  • Live Baltimore: A resource for people moving to Baltimore: https://livebaltimore.com/neighborhoods/guilford/#.WVPMzIjytPY
  • Strong City Baltimore: Established in 1969, Strong City Baltimore’s mission is to build and strengthen neighborhoods and people in Baltimore City. Formerly known as Greater Homewood Community Corporation, Strong City works to reinforce the pillars of vibrant urban living: safe streets, desirable and diverse housing stock, quality public schools, a robust and educated workforce, and above all else, a deep sense of civic engagement. http://www.strongcitybaltimore.org/
  • Friends of Maryland’s Olmsted Parks and Landscapes, Inc. – An organization dedicated to the protection, enhancement and appreciation of Olmsted parks and landscapes in Maryland : http://www.olmstedmaryland.org/
  • Robert L. Bogomolny Library, University of Baltimore – The home of some of the Roland Park Company’s archives, including the architectural plans of most Guilford homes. The page shows the records available for Guilford: https://archivesspace.ubalt.edu/repositories/2/archival_objects/12168
  • Sheridan Library System at Johns Hopkins University – They have acquired the remaining records of the Roland Park Company http://guides.library.jhu.edu/


Elected Officials:

U.S. House of Representatives

MD Congressional District 3 – Sarah K. Elfreth
Phone: 202-225-4016
Website: http://elfreth.house.gov

MD Congressional District 7 – Kweisi Mfume
Phone: 410-685-9199
Website: http://mfume.house.gov

U.S. Senate

Chris Van Hollen, Jr.
Phone: 667-212-4610
Website: https://www.vanhollen.senate.gov/

Angela D. Alsobrooks
Phone: 202-224-4524
Website: https://www.alsobrooks.senate.gov/

General Assembly of Maryland

Legislator List: http://mgaleg.maryland.gov/webmga/frmmain.aspx?pid=legisrpage&tab=subject6

District 41

Senator Jill Carter (currently vacant)
Phone: 410-841-3697
Email: jill.carter@senate.state.md.us

Dalya Attar
Phone: 410-841-3268
Email: dalya.attar@house.state.md.us

Samuel I. Rosenberg
Phone: 410-841-3297
Email: samuel.rosenberg@house.state.md.us

Malcolm P. Ruff
Phone: 410-841-3283
Email: malcolm.ruff@house.state.md.us

District 43

Senator Mary Washington
Phone: 410-841-3145
Email: mary.washington@senate.state.md.us

Delegate Regina T. Boyce
Phone: 410-841-3476
Email: regina.boyce@house.state.md.us

Delegate Elizabeth M. Embry
Phone: 410-841-3638
Email: elizabeth.embry@house.state.md.us

Baltimore City Council

District 4

Mark Conway
Phone: 410-396-4830
Fax: 410-659-1792
Email: Mark.Conway@baltimorecity.gov

District 14

Odette Ramos
Phone: 410-396-4814
Fax: 410-545-7585
Email: Odette.Ramos@baltimorecity.gov