Other Useful Links
The attached letter was sent to all General Assembly Delegates and Senators from District 41 and 43:
The Guilford Security Patrol (GSP):
- GSP carphone: 443-878-7248
- Email: guilfordpatrol@wolfsecurityinc.com
Adjacent neighborhood web sites:
- Roland Park: http://www.rolandpark.org/
- Homeland: http://www.homelandassociation.org/
- Tuscany Canterbury: http://www.tuscanycanterbury.org
- Oakenshawe: https://oakenshawe.org/oia/
- Charles Village: http://charlesvillage.net/
- Radnor Winston: http://www.radnorwinston.org/
Neighboring Institutions and Points of Interest:
- Johns Hopkins University Homewood Campus: http://www.jhu.edu/
- JHU Neighborhood Matters: http://neighborhoodmatters.jhu.edu/
- Johns Hopkins Community Affairs: http://community.jhu.edu/
- Evergreen House: http://www.museums.jhu.edu/evergreen.php
- Loyola University Maryland: http://www.loyola.edu/
- Notre Dame of Maryland University: http://www.ndm.edu/
- Second Presbyterian Church: http://www.secondpresby.org/
- First English Lutheran Church: http://firstenglishchurch.org
- Homewood House Museum: http://www.museums.jhu.edu/homewood.php
- Baltimore Museum of Art: http://www.artbma.org/
- The Senator Theater: https://thesenatortheatre.com/
- Community Concerts at Second: http://www.communityconcertsatsecond.org/
Other Sites:
- Live Baltimore: A resource for people moving to Baltimore: https://livebaltimore.com/neighborhoods/guilford/#.WVPMzIjytPY
- Greater Homewood Community Corp.- Since 1969, GHCC has worked to make the 40 neighborhoods of north central Baltimore safer, better places to live. Their mission is to strengthen neighborhoods through improving education, supporting youth development, and advancing economic development and community revitalization: http://www.greaterhomewood.org/
- Friends of Maryland’s Olmsted Parks and Landscapes, Inc. – An organization dedicated to the protection, enhancement and appreciation of Olmsted parks and landscapes in Maryland : http://www.olmstedmaryland.org/
- Langsdale Library, University of Baltimore – The home of some the Roland Park Company’s archives, including the architectural plans of most Guilford homes. The page shows the records available for Guilford: https://archivesspace.ubalt.edu/repositories/2/archival_objects/12168
- Sheridan Library System at Johns Hopkins University – They have acquired the remaining records of the Roland Park Company, from the Cornell University Library: http://guides.library.jhu.edu/
- Library and information science as a scholarly discipline via Maryland Library Science Degree Programs — www.librarysciencedegreesonline.org/maryland/
- Baltimore City Main Page: https://www.baltimorecity.gov/
- Baltimore 311 on line: https://311services.baltimorecity.gov/
- Recycling: https://publicworks.baltimorecity.gov/recycling-services
- Baltimore City Main Switchboard: 410.396.3100
U.S. House of Representatives
MD Congressional District 3 – John P. Sarbanes
Phone: 410-295-1679
Fax: 410-295-1682
Website: http://www.msa.md.gov/msa/mdmanual/39fed/06ushse/html/msa14642.html
Contact: https://sarbanes.house.gov/contact
MD Congressional District 7 – Kweisi Mfume
Phone: 410-685-9199
Fax: 410-685-9399
Website: http://www.msa.md.gov/msa/mdmanual/39fed/06ushse/html/msa02093.html
Contact: https://mfume.house.gov/contact
U.S. Senate
Chris Van Hollen
Phone: 410-263-1325
Fax: 202-228-0629
Website: https://msa.maryland.gov/msa/mdmanual/39fed/05ussen/html/msa12178.html
Contact: https://www.vanhollen.senate.gov/contact
Benjamin L. Cardin
Phone: 410-962-4436
Fax: 410-962-4156
Website: http://www.msa.md.gov/msa/mdmanual/39fed/05ussen/html/msa01986.html
Contact: https://www.cardin.senate.gov/contact
General Assembly of Maryland
Legislator List: http://mgaleg.maryland.gov/webmga/frmmain.aspx?pid=legisrpage&tab=subject6
District 41
Senator Jill Carter
Phone: 410-841-3697
Email: jill.carter@senate.state.md.us
Dalya Attar
Phone: 410-841-3268
Email: dalya.attar@house.state.md.us
Tony Bridges
Phone: 410-841-3283
Fax: 410-841-3267
Email: tony.bridges@house.state.md.us
Samuel I. Rosenberg
Phone: 410-841-3297
Fax: 410-841-3179
Email: samuel.rosenberg@house.state.md.us
District 43
Senator Mary Washington
Phone: 410-841-3145
Email: mary.washington@senate.state.md.us
Delegate Maggie McIntosh
Phone: 410-841-3407
Email: maggie.mcintosh@house.state.md.us
Delegate Regina Boyce
Phone: 410-841-3476
Email: regina.boyce@house.state.md.us
Delegate Curt Anderson
Phone: 410-841-3291
Email: curt.anderson@house.state.md.us
Baltimore City Council
District 4
Mark Conway
Phone: 410-396-4830
Fax: 410-659-1792
Email: Mark.Conway@baltimorecity.gov
District 14
Odette Ramos
Phone: 410-396-4814
Fax: 410-545-7585
Email: Odette.Ramos@baltimorecity.gov