Contact details

The Association’s mailing address is:
The Guilford Association, Inc.
4200 Saint Paul St., Suite 100
Baltimore, MD 21218

The wall-mounted Association’s mailbox is located on the Stratford Road side of the church, adjacent to the glass doors.

Association Manager: Patrick Nolan

Financial Lead / Assistant Manager: Elizabeth Nguyen

Telephone: (410) 889-1717

Office Hours:
The Association Office is staffed part-time, therefore email ( is the preferred method of communication. Typically, the office is staffed from 9am to 2pm on weekdays. We will respond to voicemails within one business day and check the physical mailbox each weekday, Monday through Friday. If you need to drop something off with us, please email us to schedule an appointment or use the aforementioned mailbox on the Stratford Road side of the Second Presbyterian Church.

Applications for Exterior Alteration and Supporting Documents:
Please email all application materials to
All oversized drawings may be dropped off during office hours or by appointment. To schedule an appointment please email us at

Settlement Requests:
All requests from settlement agents for information on the status of specific properties must be in writing, emailed to or mailed. The response will be in the same manner as the request.


Officers of the Guilford Association

President: Emily Brennan
Co-Vice Presidents: Jeremy Hoffman and Bill King
Secretary: Hillary Williams
Treasurer: Cathy Boyne

Board Members:

Solomon Abiola
John Bolton
Cathy Boyne
Brian Bramhall
Emily Brennan
Tim Chriss
Kevin Creamer
Danielle Curry
Jeremy Hoffman
Bill King
Kelly Maher
Stephanie Purnell
Phil Reely
Hillary Williams



Jeremy Hoffman, Chair
Elizabeth Comer
Anthony Gill
Ann Giroux
Tom Hobbs
Bill King
Bill Reinhoff


Cathy Boyne, Treasurer/Chair
Solomon Abiola
Emily Brennan
Beth Nguyen
Patrick Nolan


Emily Brennan, Chair
Tim Chriss
Bill King
Mark Pollack


Jeremy Hoffman, Chair
Hillary Williams


Jeremy Hoffman
Bill King
Kelly Maher


Emily Brennan, Chair
Brian Bramhall
Patrick Nolan


Brian BramhallChair
Solomon Abiola
Danielle Curry
Beth Nguyen
Anna Wheeler


Kelly Maher, Chair
Danielle Curry
Stephanie Purnell
Hillary Williams


John Bolton, Chair
Kevin Creamer
Brian Bramhall

York Rd/Greenmount Ave:

Kevin Creamer, Chair
John Bolton
Kelly Maher – Guilford Elementary
Phil Reely

Board Meetings

Meetings in 2025 will be held in January, February, April, June, September, and October in the Second Presbyterian Church at 4200 Saint Paul St. and/or virtually. Members are welcome. The Annual Meeting of the Association is held on the second Wednesday of November. A special notice of the date and location is issued to Guilford residents in advance.

2025 Board of Managers Meeting Schedule:
January 22nd (Wed.) 7pm
February 19th (Wed.), 7pm
April 9th (Wed.), 7pm
June 11th (Wed.), 7pm
September 10th (Wed.), 7pm
October 15th (Wed.), 7pm

2025 Annual Meeting of the Guilford Association:

November 12th (Wed.), 7pm, Second Presbyterian Church.